Hi everybody! We’re still doing well here. Friday was my first time leaving the house to go anywhere in two weeks (grocery store run). I’m grateful to be able to get out for a walk or poke around the garden even though the weather has been less than welcoming lately.
Since we’ve been getting snow in the morning pretty regularly I’ve been exploring around the house. This is my reading nook! The colorful throw on the armchair is a kantha quilt made from silk sari scraps that I bought when I was in Kolkata last year.
This is a vignette of part of the house, looking back toward the front door from my spot at the kitchen table. I picked up the bust at an estate sale and she gets decorated pretty regularly. The rainbow colored fabric was purchased back in 2008 when I went to Ecuador.
I’m starting seeds inside for the garden and they are rapidly outgrowing their space in our living room so I’m very excited for the warmer weather predicted for this week!
This is a recently finished commission of Bozarth mansion, known to old school Zag alums as Waikiki. My cousin got married there two years ago and I was utterly obsessed with their walled garden.
This is a fun and silly self portrait of the artist in her studio, creative juices swirling. Yes, when it is cold, I put my bathrobe over all my other clothes. Blankets just fall off and I’m not willing to accept a snuggy yet. Have I mentioned that I’m looking forward to warmer weather?
Best wishes and health to you all!