Still clinging to Fall over here, though it is looking more like…
than THIS.
Oh well. Maybe next year? It looks like I’ll get plenty of practice painting snow this winter.
I bought a pumpkin and some decorative gourds at Green Bluff back in October and they are still hanging out on my studio table. I decided to tackle them in gouache on tan toned paper.
Swan gourd! And now for the Big Announcement-I’m going on ZOOM! Read more below.
ZOOM CLASS! I will be teaching a “Paint and Sip” class with the Northwest Museum of Art and Culture on November 19th, 5:30-8. Sadly, we aren’t able to do it in person so the Sip part will be BYOB, but it will be a live class where you paint along with me as we paint a scene of Riverfront park-the Clock tower and Pavilion.