My goodness, January just flew by, probably because I came down sick for about half of it, so I was only conscious for the other half! February is here and will be gone before we blink as well! It’s been a while since we’ve talked to I thought I’d get up a blog post and reconnect with you all!
So, I don’t know if you guys know this, but I also paint in oil paint as well as watercolors. I love the thick texture you can get with oil paint and the JOY of being able to put a juicy highlight right over a dark section of paint. Here are some paintings from several sessions last spring.
A tricky painting with cool light coming in from the window and hitting the edge of her profile while warm light from a lamp glowed on her shoulders. Also, an excellent lesson in how color bounces around!
Another portrait of my friend Sophia, rocking a gold suit against a maroon and cream backdrop. Once again, cool light on one side of the face and warm on the other. I love the pop of orange on the glasses!
Close up on a nice thick highlight!
I took this picture part way through the painting because I really loved how it was coming along and then I totally overworked it. MAN! But this is another friend of mine and she has offered to let me have another go at painting her in the future.