I’m still plugging along on my #100dayproject, despite the garden providing plenty of distraction on the warmer days. I should be able to get tomatoes and peppers in the ground in the next couple of days!
The first few paintings here are all of our neighbors’s houses as seen from my studio window. This has really been enlightening because it is amazing how different they all look despite the same subject! Atmosphere and light (aka weather and time of day) make a huge difference!
A break in the storm toward the end of April (You can still see some snow on the mountain and there aren’t any leaves on the big deciduous tree.), much cooler light.
Sunset just a couple nights ago!
Another cloudy day.
The following paintings are all copies of various master works-the first three are contemporary and I’m afraid I’ve lost track of their names, but the last two are famous paintings by Maynard Dixon and Edward Hopper. You can see a difference in paint handling between the paintings above and those below. Above, I’m working in transparent watercolor, in my usual style, while below, I’m working thickly with gouache to mimic the look of oil paintings. I really do need to collect some master watercolor paintings and try making copies of those! It’ll be interesting to see what I learn as compared with copying oil paintings!
Gouache copy of Maynard Dixon’s Cloud World
Original by Edward Hopper
One more bit of exciting news! After 13 hours of shoveling gravel to prepare its foundation, my studio is here! It’s completely unfinished inside, so there’s still a lot of work to do, but I am SO EXCITED.