Still sticking close to home and keeping myself occupied the way I always have, painting and drawing what is in front of me, but also thinking about how different this spring has been than previous ones. Especially, all the students graduating at this time of year and how different their experience has been from expectations. Almost a year ago, I visited Lewis & Clark with a friend of mine who teaches there and took pictures. Now seemed an appropriate time to do a painting of that school as I thought about all those graduating seniors heading off to college or the unknown.
Lewis and Clark High School
Early spring Arrowleaf Balsamroot bloom in Hamblem park on the South Hill. I passed by on my way to deliver a print and had to stop!
I’ve been spending a lot of time in the garden (but thanks to all the rain, I’m still barely making a dent in the weeds!) This is a small study of strawberries in the garden. I can’t wait till the picking fields up at Green Bluff are open!
Peonies in the bed by my house. I’m so pleased that I got out there and painted them before the petals all fell off. It seems like peony blossoms last a day before the wind or the rain or the heat makes them fall apart in a rain of petal confetti.
Neighbor’s barn. I’ll definitely have to return throughout the year to study it.
Mt. Spokane, at the time of the sketch, it just barely had some snow left on its ski runs. Now it is just dirt.
Fast watercolor studies looking down my street as I test out a new plein air painting set up.
Neighbor’s house before rain as seen from my studio.
Sunny late afternoon view.
Sunny morning. You can really tell the difference between the yellow house’s irrigated green lawn grass and the field grass of the closer neighbor.
Gazebo at Coeur D’Alene Park in Browne’s Addition painted for Artfest Online with the Northwest Museum of Art and Culture. I filmed myself painting this and you can see the video here, just scroll down. I’ll be doing classes with the MAC this summer, in person if we can and via Zoom if not.